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"I don't know how it happened," said the distraught pool owner to the knowing pool chemist, who was entering data into his computer. "I bet my pH is too high. That's probably what it is," the pool owner said with a tone of self-loathing that was all too familiar.

We enter Leslie's every pool season with our small containers of pool water. Even though they offer us small free official Leslie's bottles, we persist with our red Solo cups, Rubbermaid containers, old yogurt cups. The man behind the counter has seen it all.

It's a baptism of sorts - we come for the holy grail of pool solutions and we rely on the guy behind the counter to provide the magic formula that will evaporate the algae, soften up the hardness, lower the pH.

"Don't be so hard on yourself," I say to the man burping the lid of his makeshift Tupperware pool water caddy, awaiting his computer print out. "We do the best we can. Thank goodness these guys are here to save us from ourselves," I said, and the man smiled faintly, nodding in the affirmative as he clutched a few bags of shock to his chest.
Carol Robidoux
(603) 930-0640
Wednesday's weather: Sunshine and breezy, high of 88

Wednesday's weather: Sunshine and breezy, high of 88

A blend of sunshine and clouds with a pleasant breeze, reaching a high of 88 degrees.
'This is the true strength of the city of Manchester'

'This is the true strength of the city of Manchester'

"When our community has something fantastic going on, we show up and we support each another. And this to me is indicative of the vibrant community we have here," said Mayor Jay Ruais at a kick-off for the new Street Team on Tuesday morning.
Go Fourth and celebrate: Fireworks at Arms Park on July 3 in Manchester - and where to park

Go Fourth and celebrate: Fireworks at Arms Park on July 3 in Manchester - and where to park

The City of Manchester, NH will conduct its Independence Day Celebration at Arms Park on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 (rain date Friday, July 5th).  Admission is free.
Suggested songs for your Fourth of July playlist

Suggested songs for your Fourth of July playlist

With the Supreme Court’s right wing ideological posse of six basically handing Donald Trump the keys to a shiny new dictatorship if—or should I say “when”—he puts King Lear to bed in November, this year’s Independence Day celebrations could prove to be our last as a democracy.
Local leaders celebrate new $44 million Tech Hub biofabrication grant

Local leaders celebrate new $44 million Tech Hub biofabrication grant

New Hampshire leaders were in the Millyard on Tuesday afternoon to celebrate a $44 million grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration.
Lake Shore Road revelers cited for illegal fireworks

Lake Shore Road revelers cited for illegal fireworks

On June 27, 2024, at approximately 12:20 a.m. Manchester Police responded Lake Shore Road  near Massabesic Lake after hearing fireworks going off in the area. There had also been several  noise complaints received in dispatch.
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