Humor can be slippery
read more…: Humor can be slipperyThe concept behind the performance of “High School Dropout,” developed by comedian and co-host Mike Dupont, was incredibly innovative and original.
The concept behind the performance of “High School Dropout,” developed by comedian and co-host Mike Dupont, was incredibly innovative and original.
On Friday, Jan. 3, at The Strange Brew Tavern in Manchester, The Laugh Attic—a weekly stand-up comedy venue—will present, for one night only, “The High School Dropout,” a showcase of local comedians riffing on the books they may or may not have read in their own respective high school careers.
For Manchester comedian Danny Pee, the cosmic call to perform stand-up comedy didn’t come until later in life.
American writer Mark Twain—arguably the funniest person in all American letters—once wrote that “humor is mankind’s greatest blessing.”