Manchester Ink Link Celebrates 10th Anniversary

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After years as a full-time journalist, Carol Robidoux in 2014 found herself laid off – for the second time, since the Great Recession of 2008 – and wondering what the future of news was going to look like. That’s when she decided to create her own news publication, and in 2014 she launched Manchester Ink Link, what she called a “community hub and news info site for the city of Manchester.”

How Melanie Plenda and Carol Robidoux came together to expand news in Nashua

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On this episode of Granite Beat, hosts Julie Hart and Adam Drapcho talk with Melanie Plenda, executive director of the Granite State News Collaborative, and Carol Robidoux, founder and editor of Manchester Ink Link and Nashua Ink Link, New Hampshire’s newest outlet, created with the help of the collaborative.

Granite State News Collaborative partners talk about statewide series on Race and Equity in NH

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The Granite State News Collaborative has launched a new multi-year project exploring race and equity in New Hampshire. To dig deeper into the project and thinking behind it, we talk to several partner organizations participating in the project as well as the GSNC’s new Engagement Reporter