Homelessness: At the intersection of law enforcement and housing, Ruais sees progress

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Six months on the job as mayor, Ruais says there’s progress – last Tuesday the Board of Aldermen banned camping in the city and transferred half a million dollars to the police department to provide “hot spot patrols” in problem areas. Those two things will begin to move the needle, says Ruais.

Addressing the heightened urgency of New Hampshire’s homelessness crisis

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The median cost for a two-bedroom apartment in New Hampshire is about $1,584. To afford it, someone would have to earn about $31 an hour. With the minimum wage at  $7.25 an hour, someone working 168 hours a week — every hour of every day — could not afford the rent. To kick off an occasional series on homelessness, Melanie Plenda talks with Jennifer Chisholm, executive director of the New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness, about the problems and solutions related to homelessness in New Hampshire.

The Soapbox: Board of Mayor and Aldermen ill-equipped to deal with homelessness crisis

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As someone who was homeless myself – three years ago –  I have a unique understanding of the homelessness crisis that our Board of Mayor and Aldermen don’t have. Since I worked remotely before moving up to New Hampshire in February 2016, I was able to continue working while I stayed at the New Horizons shelter at 199 Manchester Street.