Survey says: Sanders, Biden lead Dem field; Trump trumps Kasich, Weld among GOP voters

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Among Democratic candidates, primary voters believe Biden is most likeable, has the right experience, and has the best chance to win the general election, while Sanders is seen as the most progressive. Just over two-thirds of Republican primary voters would vote for Donald Trump if the primary were held today, while one in six would vote for John Kasich and very few would support William Weld.

Bernie Sanders packs them in at Brookside Church for ‘get out the vote’ rally

read more…: Bernie Sanders packs them in at Brookside Church for ‘get out the vote’ rally

The Brookside Congregational Church is at least 150 miles outside the U.S. Senate district Bernie Sanders hopes to retain through the general election Tuesday, but the once (and future?) presidential candidate made the trip for an event Sunday afternoon — with a pit stop at UNH-Durham — to encourage attendees to get others to vote.

NH GOP issues petition urging NH Dem ‘superdelegates’ to support Sanders

read more…: NH GOP issues petition urging NH Dem ‘superdelegates’ to support Sanders

“The Democrat party’s superdelegate system is extremely undemocratic and, in this case, it disenfranchises the votes of 40,000 Granite Staters,” says NHGOP Chair Jennifer Horn. “Gov. Hassan, Sen. Shaheen and Rep. Kuster have got to decide if they are to speak for the people of NH, or for Washington insiders.”