Wrongful death lawsuit filed against NH DHHS, DCYF by Harmony Montgomery’s mother

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“We are going to hold the State of New Hampshire accountable for Harmony’s senseless and preventable death, shine a light on the systemic failures in her case to prevent future tragedies, give Harmony the voice that she never had, and get Harmony the justice that she so deeply deserves.  Too many vulnerable children are being injured and killed while under the watchful eye of the State, it has been happening for way too long, and something needs to be done to stop it – enough is enough.”

Aug. 29: Virtual info session on forensic psychiatric hospital construction project at NH Hospital site

read more…: Aug. 29: Virtual info session on forensic psychiatric hospital construction project at NH Hospital site

The New Hampshire Department of Administrative Services (DAS), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and New Hampshire Hospital have announced the date and time for an information session on the forensic psychiatric hospital being built adjacent to NH Hospital.

Supplies shortage triggers new COVID-19 testing and patient management guidance

read more…: Supplies shortage triggers new COVID-19 testing and patient management guidance

Given the nationwide shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other testing supplies, healthcare providers in New Hampshire must preserve the State’s existing inventory of these materials to care for patients who will develop severe COVID-19 illness, as well as exposed health care providers and exposed first responders.