The Soapbox: Do your research + check your facts before rushing to judgement on needle exchange

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For way too long these proven programs have had to hide in the shadows, due to general ignorance about their successes in maintaining a healthy community, and to the general stigma surrounding drugs which are consumed with needles (rather than just smoking or drinking).

A tale of two bus rides, two hospitals and the upside of ‘ifs’

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It’s seven a.m., November 8, 2023. Soon, I’ll board a bus to Boston to take the T and a bus to West Roxbury. There, I’ll walk into the VA hospital to be chemically knocked out. A surgical team will put an instrument down my throat. That mechanism will, I believe, snip off tiny bits of the nodule in my lung and, perhaps, a sample of nearby lymph nodes. These pieces of me—and how strange to think of a cancer as part of ME—will be sent off to mystics and sorcerers in the mountains—sorry, I mean pathologists in a lab. They’ll read my entrails and divine my future. What a funny world, huh?

Larissa, a Fairy Tale of Sorts – Part 1: Too smart and charming for our own good

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Larissa will find another job. She’s insightful and gifted and attractive, and that’s what her references will say. They won’t say she’s a drunk. They won’t want to damage her opportunities because “She’s so great when she’s not drinking. If it weren’t for that . . .” Unfortunately, those ellipses never end without change, and that change doesn’t seem to come without work on our part.