Manchester Proud announces new leadership

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Manchester Proud (MP) is excited to announce the new leadership team of Debby Miller and Aimee Kereage as Co-Directors. Debby and Aimee will report to the Champion’s Council (Manchester Proud’s Board) continuing the momentum that Manchester Proud has built up over the past 6 years under Barry Brensinger’s leadership. Barry has made the decision to step down from his leadership role to enjoy retirement, he will remain a member of the Council and involved in MP’s work. 

The Soapbox – Mask You a Few Questions: Why I’m weary of vaccine and mask mandates

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The entire premise of lockdowns, mask/vaccine mandates and other orders is that there is a health crisis caused by coronavirus which is extremely deadly. It started as asking people to stay home for two weeks to “flatten the curve” and has grown to mandating vaccines for all.  While it was harder to prove this was not the case in 2020, the data is in and it is clear that coronavirus is not as deadly as currently advertised.

Communicast, Episode 1: Jeanine & Co., helping non-profits lead and grow in these strange times

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Welcome to Keith Spiro’s Communicast, a community broadcast highlighting the good things that people in our community are doing. With support from Manchester Ink Link, I will be showcasing the leadership roles people are taking. Particularly in these very strange times, it will be nice to have some positive things to look at and know how people around us are helping each other.