Shelves empty during pandemic, Food Bank supply chain remains strong

read more…: Shelves empty during pandemic, Food Bank supply chain remains strong

Sliced bread and ramen noodles were almost completely gone. Toilet paper and tissue paper were nowhere to be found. The meat section had been picked three-quarters clean, leaving very little for the shoppers who had come in at that time of day. Nevertheless, employees of the store pushed around carts with orange signs on the sides, picking up items for people ordering online.

Meals for federal workers during shutdown provided by Catholic Charities NH

read more…: Meals for federal workers during shutdown provided by Catholic Charities NH

Lunches will be delivered and distributed to employees of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other federal agencies as needed. Additionally, workers will be able to take home boxed breakfasts and lunches.

Get your can of ‘Nothing’ for $5 and help needy families through the NH Food Bank

read more…: Get your can of ‘Nothing’ for $5 and help needy families through the NH Food Bank

The statewide campaign features cans of “nothing,” representing the 10 percent of residents, including 13 percent of children, who are “food insecure.” Customers are encouraged to purchase cans of “nothing” for $5 at locations across the state throughout April and May.