The Soapbox: Why I’m supporting Soucy for NH State Senate

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This November, we have the opportunity to elect leaders to the State House and Senate who will fight for common sense solutions to the challenges facing hardworking Granite Staters, stand up against extreme policies, and create a more prosperous future for New Hampshire. Donna Soucy is that leader, and that’s why I’m supporting her State Senate reelection campaign.

The Soapbox: You heard it here first

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Not unlike millions of Americans throughout our country I have been, shall we say, obsessing over the wild ride known as the presidential election cycle. I have taken a particular interest in the polls for the first time, with the hope of being able to interpret the numbers so I could see who was winning, or going to win.

The Soapbox: Primary voters, be advised: Investigate your candidates

read more…: The Soapbox: Primary voters, be advised: Investigate your candidates

A hobby I don’t understand, however, is attempting to trick voters into selecting a candidate in the primary election by falsely filing under a mainstream party. Yet that seems to be a favorite pastime for Free Staters, a group who answers the question, “What if you took a bunch of Twitter edgelords and rallied them around an untenable goal and a hedgehog emoji?”