The Soapbox – Mask You a Few Questions: Why I’m weary of vaccine and mask mandates

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The entire premise of lockdowns, mask/vaccine mandates and other orders is that there is a health crisis caused by coronavirus which is extremely deadly. It started as asking people to stay home for two weeks to “flatten the curve” and has grown to mandating vaccines for all.  While it was harder to prove this was not the case in 2020, the data is in and it is clear that coronavirus is not as deadly as currently advertised.

Letters: Defending school employee’s right to free speech on Facebook

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If First Amendment rights to freedom of speech exist within the public school setting, is it logical to believe that public school employees lose their rights to free speech outside of their employment? I am concerned that a reporter and two school board members are so unacquainted with the rights of free speech.

An open letter to the students, taxpayers and teachers of #MHT

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It is the responsibility of the Mayor to present a fiscally responsible budget year after year. It is the responsibility of the Mayor to be a good steward of the taxpayers dollars. It is the responsibility of the Mayor to not obligate taxpayers, and other boards, to a future of recovering from reckless spending. This is the commitment I have made to the taxpayers of Manchester, one that I do not take lightly and one that I will never ignore – to do so would be irresponsible.