The Soapbox: Primary voters, be advised: Investigate your candidates

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A hobby I don’t understand, however, is attempting to trick voters into selecting a candidate in the primary election by falsely filing under a mainstream party. Yet that seems to be a favorite pastime for Free Staters, a group who answers the question, “What if you took a bunch of Twitter edgelords and rallied them around an untenable goal and a hedgehog emoji?”

The Soapbox: Free Staters try to turn NH into Galt’s Gulch

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Why is a former Maine senator asking Libertarians in Las Vegas to move to New Hampshire?” He’s the new head of the Free State Project. Last month Eric Brakey told Liberty Fest goers that our state is Galt’s Gulch, the libertarian utopia. It’s where their heroes go when the American people refuse to let wealthy capitalists run the U.S.