City fathers almost waited ’til the cows came home to erect Town Pound

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Apparently, the decision to erect a Town Pound was a major civic undertaking. It made the current Presidential Primary campaign look like table talk at a poker game. We’re just hoping the Presidential election is resolved more swiftly than the Town Pound debate – it lasted 90 years – or our grandchildren won’t be alive to see Chelsea Clinton’s granddaughter take the oath of office.

Bribery will get you everywhere with Clayton, er, a spontaneous plug for GLENDI

read more…: Bribery will get you everywhere with Clayton, er, a spontaneous plug for GLENDI

See, George Copadis has been trying to bribe me into doing a column about Glendi, the big Greek festival that begins on Friday, but you’ll be happy to know I didn’t surrender my journalistic integrity for a couple pieces of baklava. No sir. I held out for some finikia, too.

A stumble down memory lane: That time when married teachers were purged from city classrooms

read more…: A stumble down memory lane: That time when married teachers were purged from city classrooms

The cauldron started to bubble in 1919 when, in a front-page story, The Manchester Union reported that, “Good authority says that some members of the school committee are already planning to institute measures designed to clear the schools of married teachers taken on during the war period.”