Atop Abenaki Tower, you could see for a century

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    On Wednesday morning, Sean McGovern and Emily Badger, visiting from Kentucky, parked their vehicle and took a short walk, then climbed a twisting wooden staircase so they could savor a view of Lake Winnipesaukee. It’s an experience the pair, and countless others, have repeated for years. Thanks to the efforts of a group of volunteers, the experience is expected to be available for many more years to come.

    How Melanie Plenda and Carol Robidoux came together to expand news in Nashua

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    On this episode of Granite Beat, hosts Julie Hart and Adam Drapcho talk with Melanie Plenda, executive director of the Granite State News Collaborative, and Carol Robidoux, founder and editor of Manchester Ink Link and Nashua Ink Link, New Hampshire’s newest outlet, created with the help of the collaborative.

    Granite Beat: Manchester Ink Link founder and publisher Carol Robidoux on how she centers community

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    In this episode of The Granite Beat, hosts Adam Drapcho and Julie Hart speak with Manchester Ink Link founder Carol Robidoux, a veteran journalist who left behind the legacy outlets to create her hyperlocal news website to supply residents with local, reliable, and community-driven stories in a central hub. They discuss some of her recent stories, such as the Harmony Montgomery case, the affordable housing crisis and community-centered reporting.

    Granite Beat: Reimagining local news funding leads to a different kind of journalism

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    As financial pressures push news outlets to take a hard look at their payroll, alternative funding sources have come into play as a way to bolster reporting positions. At The Keene Sentinel, Olivia Belanger holds one of those positions. She leads the paper’s Health Lab, and she said the position doesn’t just add another position, it allows whoever holds that position to do a different kind of work.

    Masking Anxiety

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    The problem is, those masks are difficult enough for hospitals to come by, so people have been encouraged to find their own way to place a fabric barrier between their mouth and nose, and the rest of the world.