‘If this isn’t a state of emergency, I don’t know what is’

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    “When I hear ‘state of emergency,’ I think you’re maybe sending in the National Guard to set up some emergency field hospitals, and bringing in a couple of doctors and nurses to start pumping people through these field hospitals so they can at least detox, reducing the waiting lists and relieving already overtaxed staff,” said Holly Cekala, of HOPE for NH Recovery.

    Meetings this week on keeping chickens, public access to Bronstein, selling ‘spice’

    read more…: Meetings this week on keeping chickens, public access to Bronstein, selling ‘spice’

    This week there are some meetings of interest, including discussion during the regularly scheduled Manchester NH Board of Aldermen meeting on Tuesday night about creating an ordinance to ban the sale of spice, and also review of the proposed “chicken” ordinance. That meeting is preceded at 7 p.m. by an open public comment session.