2018 predictions: Business boom, secrets exposed, and Super Bowl champs, revealed

    MANCHESTER, NH – When we say, “Happy New Year,” is it meant as a statement of fact or just an exclamation point? Or maybe it’s more of a wish, a hope – a prediction, if you will – for a smooth segue into the unknown.

    As has been our tradition here, we boldly dip our toes into the deep end of New Year “predictions,” based on the wisdom of three local soothsayers – astrologer Dorothy Morgan, numerologist Angie D’Anjou and psychic medium Raven Duclos. What can I say? I grew up in the 1970s, when psychic predictions were as much a part of the New Year transition as Dick Clark in Times Square waiting for the big ball to drop.

    At our request Morgan, D’Anjou and Duclos consulted the stars and the spirits, and have done the metaphysical math, resulting in the following road map of what we should expect in 2018 – from personal expectations and growth for the city of Manchester under Mayor Joyce Craig, to matters of national and worldly significance, including who will win Super Bowl LII.

    Read on, and enjoy!

    Planetary Road Map for 2018

    Astrology was once so closely related to astronomy that there were no dividing lines. Planetary patterns and cycles helped civilizations understand the physical world, and brought a sense of order to otherwise apparent chaos. The scope of astrology eventually expanded to include forecasts of natural disasters, war and other events in the course of human affairs – even becoming an integral part of decision making for kings and rulers over time. Modern case in point: President Ronald Regan and wife, Nancy, were known to consult with an astrologer around the scheduling of important events. Below is Astrologer Dorothy Morgan’s read on how the planets will align in 2018.


    Saturn in Capricorn: Build on it

    On December 19, 2017, Saturn moved into Capricorn, where it will remain for three years, says Morgan.

    “This is the meat and potatoes of 2018’s energy. Saturn in Capricorn is the time to figure out what it is that will give us a better foundation. When one of the slower-moving planets moves into a new zodiac sign, it’s not that something will happen immediately. Rather, it’s like something is breaking open that needs structure. Personally, we need to ask ourselves where we want to be in the future. Now is the time to start building that foundation,” says Morgan.

    The last time Saturn entered Capricorn was February of 1988. For those old enough to reflect back to that time, consider what you were doing in relation to where you are now.

    “Personally, that’s when I began studying astrology, and that is what I’m doing now. It was during that time that the Berlin Wall fell, a new beginning for Germany and its relationship with the world. The point is that this is a time to consider the things you can do now – what do you want to build on, what goals do we want to set for ourselves. Don’t let this opportunity slip by,” says Morgan.

    Taking time to put in extra effort toward future goals will pay off, she says. This is precisely how she believes astrology can be a tool for anyone, to navigate some of life’s decisions based on the ebb and flow of the universe, making some moves more prudent than others at any given time.

    “Another thing Saturn in Capricorn promises is no false prophets. Anyone who is not authentic will be exposed in this coming year. Those who are doing good and have been doing good for years, will finally get the accolades they deserve,” says Morgan.


    Five eclipses provoke passion

    There are five solar and lunar eclipses coming in 2018 – two in Aquarius, on Jan. 31 and Feb. 15; one in Cancer, on July 13; and two in Leo, July 27 and Aug. 11. While the number of eclipses is not unique, the influence of Aquarius and Leo will set the tone, which is all heart, says Morgan.

    “The overall theme of the eclipses are heart-centered energy. It’s all about being creative and getting our hearts behind whatever we’re passionate about, or opening your heart to your passion,” says Morgan.

    Personally, that means whatever you are involved in, this is a good time to reevaluate your associations and projects based on whether your heart is truly in it. The Aquarian energy elevates everything to a higher consciousness, including the idea of doing things for the greater good.

    “This year we also have Mars in retrograde from June 26-Aug. 26. Mars is only retrograde every two years, and Mars is all about more humanitarian endeavors. So for example, this is a good year to get behind a cause that has meaning for you. You don’t necessarily have to join the Red Cross or the Peace Corps, but it’s a good time to join a cause you believe in,” Morgan says.

    Financial shake up as Uranus moves into Taurus

    After seven years of stability, Uranus moves into Taurus for the first time since 1942, says Morgan.

    “We all know what happened in 1942. It’s a shaking up of things, and in Taurus, that’s about finances, real estate and things we value. I believe some type of financial piece in this country will collapse. I don’t think it will be the stock market, though. Uranus represents revolutionary thoughts and ideas, and breaking away from the norm. My prediction is that it will involve bitcoin, which is taking off right now, but I think that bubble will burst,” says Morgan.

    Uranus in Taurus will also create a climate for change within the fashion industry, says Morgan.

    “Art and fashion usually go through a shift. Things will get quirkier or edgier, and this will continue until 2025, so we’ll see a gradual change in trends over the next seven years from designers,” Morgan says.

    #MeToo, Trump, the FBI and secrets exposed

    Almost to the day that Jupiter entered Scorpio in 2017 we saw a domino effect of headlines surrounding sexual abuse and espionage. No surprise, says Morgan.

    “Jupiter expands everything it’s in contact with, so Jupiter is cracking open all these ugly things, from incidents that led us to the #MeToo movement to the FBI investigations. This will all continue through Oct. of 2018,” says Morgan.

    “This is going on in Trump’s third house, which has to do with contracts and communications he had with people. It’s likely things he’s lied about will come out – it seems there’s no way to avoid it. We may see something in March that will reveal more of how he’s connected to things that have been secret until now, and again at the end of September or into October there could be some news,” says Morgan.


    • Venus goes retrograde Oct. 5-Nov. 16 (Libra and Scorpio) so keep an eye on your personal finances especially during this time. Sock away some money in a home safe, says Morgan.
    • Also during this time, hold off on weddings. Relationships solidified during this time won’t go smoothly, creating a heavy load of hard work to keep the relationship going.
    • The eclipses are significant to Trump, who will face exposure of things that have been hidden until now, especially the January and February eclipses.

    Doing the metaphysical math mambo

    The Pythagorean Numerology system is said to have originated from the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, and in modern applications, it has even been applied to stock market analyses. In general terms, numerology it is the study of the numerical value of the letters in words, names and ideas. For the following predictions, Angie D’Anjou breaks down 2018 as such: 2+0+1+8 = 11, and 1+1 =2, making this a universal “11/2 year” in numerology.

    “The 11/2 energy of 2018 is about finding companionships and signing contracts. It’s also about learning from our mistakes and learning from the information brought to us. It’s going to be an active year. Everyone was feeling the crazy energy of 2017, and don’t expect it to get any better. In fact, it may get even more hectic,” says D’Anjou.

    The key word for 2018 is integrity, says D’Anjou.

    “It’s a higher-level year, a time of higher awareness, trying to make the most of the year while retaining our integrity. Funny, to think about integrity after what we’ve experienced toward the end of 2017, with all the sexual revelations in Hollywood and Washington, D.C. This year will be a double-whammy, as we see more of the same in 2018. We have to expect more turmoil in order to gain resolution through a releasing of emotion and gaining confidence,” says D’Anjou. “In this way, the rewards of this year come in truth, and realizing truth is necessary in any relationship, whether a business relationship, or physical or emotional one, or country to country. It’s going to be all about how much you can trust and believe in someone, but it’s going to be like going around the block four times to finally get things right.”

    Communication, drama and universal kindness

    D’Anjou says January and October will be particular periods of communication and drama, people coming together en masse for demonstrations in an effort to influence what they want to see happen in the world.

    “February will be a time of planning for changes to come in March. By April, we’ll see some worldly event – it could be weather-related, or an astronomical occurance – but people will come together as one, due to some act of nature that will create a feeling of universal kindness. That will lead us into May, a time of growth and understanding,” D’Anjou says.

    June will require some heavy international decisions, a three-month period that will call for international understanding in the midst of “hectic, crazy” control issues. By September, we’ll see a return to balance.

    “Between June and October there will be a lot accomplished, but it will be a three steps forward, two steps back kind of energy, and not just here in the U.S., but worldwide. But a lot of integrity will be created by the end of 2018, a lot of focus on the goals we need to set and how we will achieve them,” says D’Anjou. “By November, a big accomplishment that will benefit humanity will be revealed, one that will open the door for 2019, a time of actually putting together all the puzzle pieces.”

    Prosperity for Manchester

    D’Anjou, who was born and raised in Manchester, sees an overall smooth transition for her hometown in 2018.

    “The one month that has conflict is September, and it appears that something new will be introduced earlier at the end of July or beginning of August which will cause the turmoil. Many people will be in disagreement with the issue, and something will need to be resolved from a group gathering. This will clear up by November, with October being a time of trial and error to achieve the goal,” says D’Anjou.

    She sees a business boom coming, perhaps tied to an informational gathering in June that will increase business success for those acquiring businesses in Manchester. The tourism season should be centered and focused around relaxation and escape, and the city should capitalize on this by completing a project prior to May to boost summer tourism, perhaps replacing something in a timely manner, so as not to interfere with the tourism flow into the city for June.

    A New Normal

    As we move into February, focus will be placed on correcting issues from the past, says D’Anjou.

    “This one phrase came to me as I looked at March, April and May, ‘nothing is set in stone.’ Things will be torn apart as we continue to be aware around the world of child abuse and neglect, and family strife. I feel all of this is going to come into focus,” says D’Anjou. “It’s a good thing, to me, that will bring truth to light. Social media has come to a point where everyone voices their own opinions, and news is getting suffocated by people speaking their own truth to the point that no one can hold that back anymore. Speaking your truth is important this year, above others.”

    A new normal will come out of all of this, says D’Anjou.

    “The normalcy comes back to what is good for everybody – and I’m not just talking about for the U.S. China may like one thing, and Russia may like another, but this year it’s about what’s good for the whole. Natural disasters and other events are a warning to us to bring more unity to the world. People are either going to turn a blind eye with no compassion, or realize they might be the next victim, so this will prompt people to do their part to be compassionate and help others – more so than we’ve seen in the past,” D’Anjou says.

    Trump’s creative energy

    Trump is having a personal “4 year” in 2018, which is a creative year for him, says D’Anjou.

    “As the rest of the world goes into an 11/2 energy, a time to get humanity to have trust and integrity, Trump’s year is a 22/4, which means he has a lot of hard work ahead  to accomplish his goals. Because he has 22/4, it will be a creative year for him, as long as he can hold himself to a standard of wisdom, self-confidence and maturity in order to succeed,” says D’Anjou. “That means, if he doesn’t change his ways he’s going to have a crappy year, and if he doesn’t increase his stability, he will have a lot of drama and confrontation – and he’ll have to watch his personal finances. This could nip him in the bud, with money issues.”

    Based on Trump’s personal year, D’Anjou doesn’t see him taking responsibility for any wrongdoing as part of the ongoing FBI investigation, at least until around November.

    “He continues to disregard things all the way through the year. I say expect the unexpected. Either something will be pushed up against him, or maybe a shift in the coming election that will bring him more sense in some way,” D’Anjou says.

    A good 2018 for New Hampshire

    Psychic mediums are as enduring as time – from Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce to Sylvia Brown and Theresa Caputo. Manchester-based Raven Duclos, who considers herself a hereditary psychic medium, is no exception. She reads for people and businesses around the world, sharing information with clients through her “spirit” connections. The following reading focuses on local and state predictions – including a spoiler alert:  Who will win Super Bowl LII.

    “First thing I’m hearing  for Manchester is growth. There will be an influx of people and new businesses, late spring and early summer. Whatever is coming into play will cause a lot of growth for our state, which is great,” says Duclos.

    That prosperity will extend throughout the state, says Duclos.

    “This is going to sound weird, but despite the direction the country is going on healthcare, I don’t see a lot of change here in New Hampshire. It seems the governor will be sticking to his guns. Gov. Sununu plays by the rules and by his conscience, and so this will also mean many new, big businesses here.”

    A good year to Stay, Work Play in NH

    Mayor Joyce Craig

    “Especially this spring and summer will be insanely good, there will be a lot of financial growth across the state. I am getting something about a convention center, something big, whether an existing one is going to be redone or renewed, perhaps in Concord – but it will cause a lot of traffic for New Hampshire, in a good way,” says Duclos.

    As for Manchester, Mayor Joyce Craig will be an agent of change.

    “She’s very motivated to bring change, the thing I like about her is that she has a real open ear for people and she’s very willing to talk to anyone. Is she liberal? Maybe on the conservative side of Democrat? I sense she will make sure the people get taken care of, although she wants us to be financially healthy as a city, she will make sure people are taken care of first, and she will do it all in a very good way. That is a big part of why new businesses are coming to Manchester, and it will be good for the city. We’re going to see  a lot of new faces, and a lot of building projects,” says Duclos. “We’ve got a really productive year coming up for the state and the city, which is great, and needed.”

    Unfortunately, Duclos doesn’t see any major breakthrough with the opioid crisis.

    “I wish I could say differently on that,” she says.

    Duclos also sees some trouble brewing in July for Manchester Fire Department, which could result in layoffs.

    Paying it Forward

    Duclos sees a generosity of spirit rising up in Manchester and across the state.

    “It is centered around people’s hearts, that kind of giving/loving that people experience when they pay it forward. There will be a lot more of that in 2018. People are really feeling that this year,” Duclos says.

    But maybe not so much around the country.

    “As far as country goes, the first thing I heard was ‘hell in a hand basket.’ That’s what I’m getting. Things definitely will get worse before it gets better, but it is getting better,” she says.

    “And I’m probably dead wrong on this, but I’m hearing Trump is out in October, which scares the heck out of me to say. I  don’t like making predictions, but I’m hearing something will happen around that time, October or November. There will be complete change there, which will be good. That’s what Spirit is telling me,” Duclos says. “The general consensus is that things will get better for the nation this year.”

    She says there will be a couple of rallies happening this year across the country that will be part of what makes people turn around and change their way of thinking.

    “Literally they’re based around hatred, but sometimes the worst things happen for the best reasons, and this will bring about positive change. I am not seeing much changing with ISIS. It will continue here and there, but I’m not seeing major deaths like we’ve seen in the past. It’s almost like they’re fizzling out, at least, that’s the way it’s being shown to me,” says Duclos.

    Electric cars and another Super Bowl ring for Brady

    “Toward the end of this year, there’s going to be a big change in electronic cars, they will come way to the forefront – there’s going to be something that happens with a discovery of some kind, as far as how the motors work, that gets electricity going and they will be run differently, making them more accessible and cheaper for everyone to use, and people will end up conforming to electric cars over time,” says Duclos. “It’s something that will come out at the end of 2018 or early in 2019, something that’s already in the works. I have a feeling Tesla has a lot to do with this.”

    And finally, who will win this year’s Super Bowl?

    “Pats got it,” says Duclos, without hesitation. “I don’t follow sports, but it sounds like it will be a good game.”


    Dorothy Morgan is a Master Astrologer and Personal Consultant with more than 27 years’ experience teaching on a wide variety of subjects relating to Astrology. She has appeared on local television and radio shows, and posts weekly Astrology forecast videos on YouTube. For information about online classes and private sessions as well as her Astrology blog go to www.nhastrologer.com.


    Angie D’Anjou has been a spiritual consultant for more than 40 years, specializing in the Enchanted Tarot, Angel Guidance, Numerology, Tea Leaf Readings, as well as connection with deceased loved ones utilizing her psychic medium abilities. She is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner, a certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher as well as a Shamballa Master, and a certified Hypnotherapist for her work in past life regression work. You can find more at  Angie D’Anjou Center for Awakening.

    Psychic Medium Raven Duclos.

    Raven Duclos is a fourth-generation psychic medium. Her favorite work is mediumship and she specializes in spirit communication and those who have “crossed over, and also works with paranormal investigation as part of Hellfire Paranormal. You can learn more at ravenduclos.com.