MANCHESTER, NH – The Factory on Willow welcomes the next two artists to participate in their Artist In Residence (AIR) program – Adeyemi Adebayo and Ray Chang.
The traveling artists will be staying at The Factory for three months during which time they will travel the region, meet the local community of residents and artists, and develop a new body of work for their portfolios.
As part of the AIR program, the public is invited to come and meet the artists during three separate events, linked below.
Meet the Artists

Adeyemi Adebayo is a photographer joining us before his final year at University of Massachusetts where he is working toward a master in photography degree. Adeyemi’s portrait works caught the eye of the program with its heavy reflection on the human experience and focus on different cultures around the world. You get a feeling of familiarity and ambiguity in each subject that peers right into their souls.
Adeyemi is hosting an open workshop at the Factory on Saturday July 13, where he invites the community to see his developing series, see his workspace, and be part of his portrait works.

Ray Chang, is an artist and educator based in Los Angeles, CA. His work experiments with the playful intersection of animation and kinetic sculpture. He earned his MFA in Experimental Animation from the California Institute of the Arts.
Ray is hosting a History of Animation Devices workshop July 20 where he do a short talk about pre-cinematic devices such as the zoetrope and phenakistoscope, which are early optical toys that experiment with the illusion of animation. After, attendees will learn how to create their own keepsake optical toy disc that will cycle a short animation loop. The workshop is open to beginners, the curious, and seasoned animators alike. Younger participants may need adult supervision.

Artist In Residence Exhibition – Thursday September 5
On Sept. 5 Ray and Ademi will feature their work in their own artist showcase taking place at The Venues at The Factory, an 5,000-square-foot event space located on the south end of the Factory campus. The program welcomes the community to come by for another chance to meet the traveling artists and see the full body of work they have developed during their time here in Manchester. The exhibition will take place at 242 Willow St between 5 – 6:30 p.m. More info – Eventbrite Link
About The Factory on Willow: The Factory on Willow is a historic building in Manchester, NH, dedicated to fostering creativity and community. As a hub for artists, entrepreneurs, and innovators, The Factory on Willow provides a unique space for collaboration and inspiration. Our Artist in Residence program supports emerging and established artists, offering them the opportunity to immerse themselves in a vibrant creative environment and contribute to the cultural landscape of Manchester.
The program is actively looking for community artists and mentors to connect the visiting AIR’s with.
For more information about The Factory on Willow and our Artist in Residence program, please visit their website or contact leasing@thefactoryonwillow.com.