MANCHESTER, NH – I’d like to introduce you to someone who is very special. Ashley came to the Light House one year ago. I remember the days before she came, talking to her on the phone multiple times. She was crying, anxious and terrified.
“What will be different about this time?” she asked me, obviously worried. She had been to countless programs and rehabs, all resulting in short-term sobriety. Every time, she was lured back into addiction, dysfunction and, ultimately, a suicide attempt.
I could hear in her voice that she wanted so badly to heal, to restore her family, to be free from the addictions that had a grip on her like a vice.
“Our program is different,” I told her. “We are different.”
Ashley came to the Light House bone thin, shaking, and defeated. I’ll never forget on that first day when she came out of her bedroom sobbing because she had looked in the mirror for the first time in many months. She didn’t recognize the woman staring back at her. She was lost. But I knew, God was seeking her.
Ashley’s path was not easy. It was messy. It was tiring. It was complicated. But with time, love and faith, the light in Ashley began to flicker and right before our eyes it was a blazing fire!
I wish I could tell you every single amazing thing that God did in Ashley’s life this past year. I can tell you this: Ashley is sober. She is strong in her faith, she is confident in who she is, she is a leader and mentor to other women in the house, she does homeless outreach with staff, she volunteers at the animal shelter and the food pantry, and she sings with the worship team at church every Sunday. And she shines so bright in all of it!

Ashley and her husband and two boys are starting a new life together, they are reconciled. New home, new school for the kids, and a new plan for Ashley to pursue her career in Recovery Coaching. (She may even end up working with us someday!)
The work that goes on at Light of Life Ministries through the Light House, Revive, and our homeless and street outreach programs are led by our faith. We see amazing changes and healing every single day. Our staff and volunteers authentically love every single woman that comes through our doors. Although our program is faith-based, we do not have religious requirements, and all are welcome. Jesus is our example.
But we continue to need our community’s help! None of this restorative, miraculous work happens without our supporters.! We are a relatively new non-profit ministry and we run a lean budget, but some months are quite scarce. I’m not going to lie; it’s scary. We know that the work being done is critical. We know the lives that are being changed matter. And so we will continue to charge on. We ask that you consider doing what you can to help us continue with this critically needed mission. We need partners, donors and friends to walk alongside Ashley and so many other beautiful women we serve every day. Please reach out. I’d love to hear from you!

Go to to make a donation. And please consider a monthly donation – not only is this convenient for you, but it also makes a tremendous impact on our day-to-day cash flow.
About Light of Life Ministries
As a non-profit, faith-focused organization, we strive to share the love of Jesus through our multiple programs that address the needs of women in crisis due to sexual exploitation, substance use disorder, homelessness, interpersonal violence and other traumas.
We understand that in order to stabilize and strengthen in independence and resilience, these women require that all areas of their life be addressed, and it takes a community of committed partners to do that. We are blessed to have those partners.
Our internal continuum of care model includes intentional access points where we care for women who are living outside, residing in unstable environments, attending our walk-in support center or living in our transitional housing program.
For more information, please go to our website at or contact Kristie McKenney at 603-232-1107 X2
Kristie McKenney is founder and President/CEO of Light of Life Ministries. Learn more about her here.