Book drive to benefit local church community

    MANCHESTER, NH — Here’s a chance to empty your bookshelves and closets of much-loved books ready for a second life.

    Victora Sullivan has organized a book collection and donation event for June 8 to benefit children in the community. She says children’s books are preferred, but all book donations are welcome and appreciated.

    “This started because I was cleaning out my boys’ playroom and came across a lot of books they had outgrown. I asked Facebook friends if they had books for children they would like to donate,” says  Sullivan.
    “The response was great. So, I reached out to school board member Mary Georges for help with connecting to the immigrant community, and Mike Ricker who agreed to let us use his business, Insure New England, to accept books at their Manchester office. We would like to have time to read to the children, help our immigrant families get books, and give the parents the tools they need to help their children read,” Sullivan says.
    A delivery/reading event is planned for June 8 at New England Pentecostal (NEP) House of Praise, 1850 Elm St.,  from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Volunteers will read to youth and distribute books.Donations: Books can be dropped off at Insure New England, 814 Elm St., Suite 90-B, during regular business hours.

    If you’d like to sign-up to help transport books or read on June 8, click here for more information.