Book Review: “The Maze Runner” by James Dasher

Story Time

Post-apocalyptic stories have been a big trend over the past few years. From isolating a city, selecting children to fight to the death, or, in the case of my latest selection, taking the best adolescents and sticking them together in a maze left to figure out how to escape.

51P9MJrBQCL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_“The Maze Runner” tells the story of Thomas, a teenage boy who wakes up, with no memory except his name, in a large glade surrounded by other male teenagers. Together, along with the help of a girl, the teens try to solve the Maze hoping to find their way home.

I definitely recommend this book. There are several twists and turns and it’s a quick read. The book is an emotional roller coaster and will leave you hating and loving certain characters. The ending will surprise you and sets up the story for the sequel. Yes, this book is the first in a trilogy.

“The Maze Runner” is a book for readers of all ages. There is a little violence and some swearing, but it provides plenty of action and will leave you wanting more.


Brit blog pictureBrittany Frizzell is an avid reader.  She enjoys escaping to faraway places and encountering supernatural beings. She also loves writing and spreading her love of reading to those around her. She hopes to eventually write the next great American novel.


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