Dear Editor:
My name is Emma Cahoon. I am a 7th grader at Hillside Middle School, and I have lived in Manchester my entire life. I am writing to you because I would like to bring attention to the campaign signs, especially at Derryfield Park and around my school building.
[On Friday] I was taking a walk around Hillside, and I couldn’t help but notice the number of signs down and blown all over. I found crumpled signs and some that had blown away. That is our school’s front yard, and I think the signs make it look trashed.
Derryfield is a beautiful park, and whenever people drive by it, they can’t help but notice the signs everywhere. Today specifically, I noticed six crumpled, littered signs in one spot (right outside a side door of Hillside.)
Candidates, your signs are in the way. Every day when I am dropped off at school, my dad pulls over right up against the grass across the street from the school. Before the election, I just walked right over to the crosswalk. Now, I have to climb up quite inconveniently to get to the same spot.
Now that the election is over, candidates please come and pick up your signs. It is important for any adult to set an example for us children, and if we pick up after ourselves, you should too. Whether you won or lost, the election is over. Even though we are not old enough to vote yet, we are affected greatly by these elections, too.
I hope that writing to you brings this issue to people’s attention. Sometimes it is helpful to look at things through someone else’s perspective, especially a student’s. It would be nice to have a beautiful fall and winter, with the signs and litter out of sight.
Emma Cahoon
Hillside Middle School Student
Editor’s Note: We thank Emma for this thoughtful letter. We also wanted to see the signs she was talking about, which led to the above video footage, shot Sunday afternoon, Nov. 9. Emma’s right – there are plenty of signs from candidates on all sides of the political spectrum, from local to statewide races, some of them rolling up the hill like tumbleweeds, leaving behind the dangerous, wire skeletal remains jutting out of the ground, easy to miss and certainly capable of hurting someone if they should stumble over them. We hope this is taken care of soon, Emma.