Consulate General of Peru to hold first-ever itinerary session in Manchester on Sept. 28

Story Produced by Concord Monitor, a Member of

MANCHESTER, NH – The Consulate General of Peru in Boston will hold an itinerant consular attention session in Manchester for the first time ever on Saturday. Appointments can be scheduled by contacting the consulate over the phone or e-mail.

Peruvian citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts were required to travel to the consulate in Boston, but these more local sessions help alleviate the travel costs and make it a convenient occasion.

The consulate will offer renewals of passports, DNI’s (national identification documents) and notarial acts at the Manchester City Hall between 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. that day.

Mayor Jay Ruais and his wife, Veronica, will welcome the Consolate General of Peru to City Hall on Sept. 28. File Photo/Carol Robidoux

The wife of Manchester Mayor Jay Ruais, Veronica, immigrated to the U.S. in 2005 from Peru in search of better economic opportunities. The state of New Hampshire is home to around 1,000 Peruvians, according to the 2020 Census, however the Peruvian consulate estimates this number to have increased dramatically since then.

Many Peruvian students also work seasonally in New Hampshire’s service industry through “work and travel” contract agreements for ski resorts, restaurants and the like. This session is a testament to the great mix of immigrant populations in the state and the increasing diversity of it.

Spanish translation of this story is below

El Consulado General del Perú en Boston realizaráporprimeravez una sesión de atención consular itinerate en Manchester, NH el 28 de septiembre de 2024. Puedeconseguir una citacontactando al consulado a través de su númerotelefónico ó por correoelectrónico.

Anteriormente, los ciudadanos Peruanos de Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine y Massachusetts debíanviajar al consulado en Boston, pero sesionescomoestaayudan a aliviar los costos de viaje y acomodar a los residentes peruanos de las regiones mas rurales de NuevaInglaterra.

Elconsuladoofrecerárenovaciones de pasaportes, DNI y actasnotariales en el City Hall de Manchester entre las 9:30 y las 15:00 horas estesábado.

Elalcalde de Manchester, Jay Ruais, estácasado con una mujer peruana que emigró a EstadosUnidos en 2005 en busca de mejoresoportunidadeseconómicas. Elestado de New Hampshire albergaalrededor de 1.000 peruanossegúnelcenso de 2020, sin embargo, elconsuladoperuanoestima que estenúmero ha aumentadodrásticamentedesdeentonces.

Muchos estudiantes peruanostambiéntrabajanestacionalmente en la industria de servicios de New Hampshire a través de contratos de “work and travel” para estaciones de esquí, restaurantes y similares. Estasesión es un testimonio de la gran mezcla de poblaciones de inmigrantes en elestado de New Hampshire y la crecientediversidad de la misma.

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