BEDFORD, NH – Primary Bank on Feb. 12 announced the appointment of Crystal Dionne as President and CEO.
Dionne brings more than 25 years of financial expertise, including eight years as a member of the management team at Primary Bank, where she has served as the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.
Dionne also served in a senior management role in both state and municipal government for nearly 20 years prior, where she also held presidencies in both New Hampshire and New England finance associations. Having served in various capacities for multiple non-profits, most recently as president of the Bedford Rotary, she fosters a strong New Hampshire community focus. A certified public accountant, Ms. Dionne has been instrumental in the financial success of Primary Bank, and her leadership has played a significant role in Primary Bank being recognized multiple times for its financial strength.
“We are fortunate to have strong and experienced leaders like Crystal Dionne to assume this top leadership role. Her dedication to the Bank is a testament to her belief in the mission and vision of Primary Bank,” stated Bill Greiner, Chairman of the Board of Directors. “She is uniquely qualified to continue our exceptional work in supporting local businesses throughout New Hampshire as well as leading our team. We are thrilled to have her step in as our new President and CEO.”
“Primary Bank has earned a stellar reputation for serving its clients, colleagues and community,” said Dionne. “I am honored to be taking on this role to build upon the strength of Primary Bank and lead its continued success in the future. I am particularly proud of the team we have here at Primary who remain committed to serving the financial needs of New Hampshire’s businesses.”
About Primary Bank
Founded in 2015, Primary Bank is a New Hampshire state-chartered, FDIC-insured bank, with its headquarters in Bedford and branches in Bedford, Derry, Manchester, and Nashua. The locally owned and operated community bank is known for its pursuit of keeping dollars local to support local businesses and strengthen the New Hampshire economy. Primary Bank delivers a wide range of financial services for businesses and individuals throughout Southern New Hampshire. For more information, please visit www.primarybanknh.com.