MANCHESTER, NH – The #DoubleMidnightComicsReboot was revealed today and the comments across social media leading up to this announcement did not disappoint. Chris and Scott Proulx, co-owners of Double Midnight Comics announced alongside good friend and business partner, Brett Parker that they are moving their Manchester location down the street to The Factory on Willow located at 252 Willow St.
⇒Watch the live announcement on Tuesday Nov. 22 via Double Midnight Comics Facebook page.
“After 20 years in our Manchester location and strong business throughout the pandemic, we are ready for an expansion that will provide more experiences for comic book fans and collectors. When we were looking to grow our space, we made sure our new location was still in close proximity to our east-side location so we could continue to serve our loyal customer base,” said Chris Proulx. “We are excited for the new location to provide visibility in an up-and-coming area, for new customers to find us and also easy access with parking and an entrance at the ground level. It’s a big bonus that it also has event space, a food truck patio, and apartments onsite.”

The additional square footage in their new home at The Factory on Willow provides Double Midnight Comics multiple dedicated spaces for gaming where card games like Magic: the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Pokémon can be played along with role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons. This also brings new opportunities to host birthday parties and private events which have been requested for years!
“We welcome the awesome community of comic book lovers and the team at Double Midnight Comics to take over our first-floor commercial space,” said Liz Hitchcock, Factory Developer and Owner.
“The Factory on Willow has an awesome event space and Airbnbs to host actors, wrestlers, and graphic novel authors, which will provide us an opportunity to expand our special events and serve new audiences,” Brett Parker said.
There will be a big store-wide sale happening starting November 22 to help keep the moving light! The official move-in date is planned on January 1, 2023. Tune into their active social channels for final confirmation of launch parties and save the date for Free Comic Book day on May 6th:
Southern NH’s source for the latest and greatest comics and games with a location in Manchester and Concord, NH.
A live/work community with mixed-use space, airbnbs, event space, food truck patio focused on innovators, creators, and entrepreneurs.