Take the virtual tour of the hybrid operating room using the link below.

MANCHESTER, NH – Elliot Hospital has completed its first surgery using a newly installed hybrid operating room (OR). A hybrid operating room is a surgical theater that is equipped with video, monitoring, and advanced medical imaging devices that are fully integrated and collaborative with each other. These devices allow for safer surgical approaches with better visualization, as well as an expansion of the services and types of procedures The Elliot can provide.
“We are proud to bring the latest surgical technology to our community. As the needs of our patients evolve and grow, we are prepared to meet the variety of complex needs that come our way,” said Elliot Health System Vice President of Surgical Services Beverly Primeau. “This new technology paired with the skill and expertise of our compassionate team of surgeons gives our community the very best in timely surgical care.”
Hybrid operating rooms have become the standard of care for many vascular, thoracic, and acute care procedures, as well as being flexible enough to utilize for other surgical specialties. Take a virtual tour of the new hybrid OR at Elliot Hospital.
The first surgery in the new hybrid OR was a vascular procedure completed by Elliot Medical Director of Vascular Surgery Chelsey Lewis, M.D. She said, “The addition of a hybrid operating room to The Elliot was essential. Hybrid operating rooms minimize operative times, optimize procedural success rates, and improve patient safety and experience. A hybrid room not only significantly improves the quality of many surgeries we already do here at The Elliot, but as technology evolves, allows us to continue to stay relevant in the care that we are able to offer in the future.”