Feb. 5: Understanding Homelessness in NH online forum

    Far from a new phenomenon, homelessness has triggered crises for individuals, families, and communities for decades, including here in New Hampshire where sources estimate almost 5,000 individuals were homeless last year, and many others who experience chronic housing insecurity.

    What factors are responsible for the rise in homelessness? What are the historical forces that led to this national crisis? What can we learn from our history to help us unravel the complexity of homelessness and find solutions?
    In this presentation, Dr. Yvonne Vissing explores how homelessness in America has changed over the last several decades, the causes and consequences, as well as the barriers we must address in order to understand the complex roots of homelessness. We invite you to join the conversation and share your perspectives, questions, and ideas.
    Please join us for this free online program! Register now at: https://zoom.us/…/tJAucu-qrzMrG9K9BOEsQWfjUb3AwtH9umP9