The Planning Board will meet on Thursday, February 6 at 6 p.m. and the following applications will be heard. If you cannot make the meeting in person, it will be broadcast live on Manchester Public Television, Channel 22. The agenda is available online.

SP-15-2013 & SP-17-2016: 270 Granite Street, General Business District, Ward 10
Continuation of a public hearing that began on December 5, 2024. Applicant has requested a compliance hearing for a previously approved site plan to address proposed changes to building signage.

SP2023-016 Extension Request: 940 Elm Street and 5 & 9 Stark Street, Central Business District, Ward 3
Applicant has requested an 18-month extension for the change of conversion of vacant upper floor space into nine (9) residential micro-units, while keeping commercial tenants on the first floor.

SP2022-008 Extension Request: 190 Zachary Road, General Industrial / Industrial Park District & Residential Suburban Low Density District, Ward 6
Applicant has requested a one-year extension to commence site work pursuant to a previously approved site plan (SP2022-008). The site received final approval on February 8, 2023 to build 34,500 SF of additional warehouse space and 3,500 SF of an elevated covered storage area to an existing manufacturing and warehousing building, and associated site improvements.

SP2024-003 Amendment Compliance Hearing: 2445 Brown Avenue, General Business District & Residential One Family High Density District, Ward 8
Applicant is on the agenda for a compliance hearing for retaining wall details, associated with the proposed 21,890 SF automotive service facility.

S2024-011: 30 Bryant Road, Residential Suburban Low Density District, Ward 8
Applicant has submitted a subdivision application proposing to subdivide an existing lot of 31.04 acres with existing wetlands, into nineteen (19) buildable lots.

S2025-001: 613 Lake Avenue, Residential Two Family District, Ward 5
Applicant has submitted a subdivision application for the creation of one new buildable lot where two lots have been effectively merged. The lots will be 5,505 SF (Tax Map 96, Lot 12) and 5,504 SF (Tax Map 96, Lot 13).

S2025-002: 264 Calef Road, Residential Two Family District, Ward 9
Applicant has submitted a subdivision application for the creation of one new buildable lot where the existing lot is 16,438 SF and the parent parcel would be 8,235 SF with the new lot being 8,204 SF.

CU2025-001: 392 Central Street, Residential Two Family District, Ward 5
Applicant has submitted a conditional use permit application for a reduction in required parking for a four-unit multi-family property.

SP2025-001: 1555 Elm Street, Central Business District, Ward 3
Applicant has submitted a site plan application for the conversion of the former Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester, Inc., into a mixed used building of 40 residential units and a commercial unit facing Elm Street. Further, the outbuilding on Lot 2 is proposed for commercial use.
CU2025-002: 1555 Elm Street, Central Business District, Ward 3
Applicant has submitted a conditional use permit for multifamily dwellings in the Central Business District.

SP2025-002: 2 Plaza Drive, Central Business District, Ward 3
Applicant has submitted a site plan application for the conversion of the top levels of the Brady Sullivan Plaza parking garage into 60 residential units.
CU2025-003: 2 Plaza Drive, Central Business District, Ward 3
Applicant has submitted a conditional use permit for multifamily dwellings in the Central Business District.

SP2025-004: 99 Walnut Street, Civic-Institutional District, Ward 4
Applicant has submitted a site plan application for the conversion of a 2-unit 2 ½-story building into a 4-unit building with minimal external changes.
The following applications will be discussed during a limited business meeting:
- SP2023-016 Extension Request: 940 Elm Street and 5 & 9 Stark Street
- SP2022-008 Extension Request: 190 Zachary Road
The Planning Board met on Thursday, January 16 for a limited public hearing and business meeting. The following applications were decided. If you missed the meeting, it is available on-demand via Manchester Public Television.
- S2024-012: Cohas Avenue, Application approved.
- SP2018-079 Amendment: 896 Goffs Falls Road, Application approved.
- PDSP2024-004: 315 Kimball Street, Application approved.
The Zoning Board met on Thursday, January 9 and the following variances were requested. A recording of the meeting is available on-demand via Manchester Public Television.
- ZBA2024-148: 48 Pratt Court, Variance granted.
- ZBA2024-149: 270 Amory Street, Variance granted.
- ZBA2024-150: 151 Lake Avenue, Variance granted.
- ZBA2024-151: 454 Hanover Street, Variance granted.
- ZBA2024-152: 2060 Brown Avenue, Variance granted.
- ZBA2024-153: 516 Elm Street, Variance granted.
- ZBA2024-154: 149 Cilley Road, Variance granted.
- ZBA2024-155: 165 Stark Way, Variance granted.