Former Manchester Mayor looks to join Board of School Committee

Bob Baines on July 17. Photo/Andrew Sylvia

MANCHESTER, N.H. – On Monday, Bob Baines filed to run for the Ward 9 Board of School Committee seat in this fall’s municipal election.

Perhaps best known as the principal of Manchester West High School for twenty years or as the city’s mayor from 2000 to 2006, Baines has been active nearby in roles since then ranging from serving as President of Chester College and Vice Chair of the Community College of New Hampshire Board of Trustees to leading the Manchester-based STEAM Ahead NH initiative and serving on the board of the New Hampshire State Site Evaluation Committee.

Still, after learning that incumbent Ward 9 Board of School Committee member Ben Dion would not run, Baines wanted to step in and do his part to help once again at city hall after his hiatus helping in other forms elsewhere in the state.

“I said to myself that maybe it’s time to step up and help my city again. It’s all about public service to me, it’s not about a political agenda, I do not have political aspirations, I just want to serve our community and do what’s best for the students of Manchester,” he said.

Baines was particularly inspired to serve by his grandson Lucas, a Manchester School of Technology student who was in attendance as he filed. He noted that he hopes to help give opportunity to all public school students in the city like Lucas.

“Every student should have an opportunity to succeed in Manchester and I am looking forward to working and supporting (Manchester School District) Superintendent Jen Gillis and the next Mayor of Manchester to make Manchester’s public schools a source of pride for our community,” he said.

After a discussion, Dion says Baines has his full support.

“He was a good supporter of mine when I ran for school board. He has a good record and a long history in education,” said Dion. “Even though he’s been out of the game for a while, he’s kept up to date and I wish him the best.”