Alien Fruit Invasion, aka, ‘What’s a Rambutan?’

    My fresh produce from Farm and Flower Market.
    My fresh produce from Farm and Flower Market.

    It was the perfect day to search for local strawberries.  But with no time to pick my own today, I called Farm and Flower Market, 15 Webster St., and was told that they did, indeed, have fresh local strawberries from Hollis.

    I scored two large containers for $6.99 each, and felt satisfied with my hunt – until I saw what looked like containers of alien strawberries – odd little spiky fruits nestled between the more familiar berries. A clerk explained that the mystery fruit was actually called rambutan, which eats like a lychee. You have to peel the spiky shell which reveals a grape-like inner fruit with a small pit.

    “Takes like a pear,” she told me.

    I couldn’t resist. So for $3.99 I got a small container of rambutan, which you can see is an odd fruit that looks like a nightmarish strawberry from planet Yikes.

    According to Google, it’s native to South East Asia.


    My impression: Easy to peel, and tastes like a tough, sweet grape. The pit inside the one I

    Inside the rambutan.
    Inside the rambutan.

    sampled was broken, and was a little hard to peel from the fruit, but I think kids will especially enjoy this multi-process tasting experience.

    The mysterious fruity center of a rambutan.
    The mysterious fruity center of a rambutan.

    Check them out for yourself!