Got issues? We’ve got answers for you with ‘Cocktails & Coffee Talk with Sharon’



    LIfe can be daunting. Toss in a global pandemic, post-holiday season, new year, the mess of daily life. Maybe you need some light or clarity.  You’ve got nothing to lose, so ask me a question. Family, love, relationships, work, life in general – all appropriate topics. Please be kind.

    Send your questions to


    1. Please include your name, email address and phone # with your submission. These are for my use only. Your identity will not be revealed.
    2. Subject line should include the topic of your question
    3. One question and reply weekly; be patient while waiting for your reply; it will come, I promise
    4. Let us know how your story works out in the end; or as it organically unfolds; only if you care to of course


    “Sharon” is not a trained therapist or psychologist but has 20 years experience with couples in love, or who wish they were in love.  She has made it her life’s work to join together those in love, legally or otherwise and has, to date, officiated 460 marriages. With Sharon’s natural instinct for love and relationships and the things that make them, and a kind and open heart, your submissions will be treated with respect and clarity.

    Sharon owns Weddings with Spirit, and is a NH Justice of the Peace, an interfaith ordained minister, and is happily married.