CONCORD, NH – Governor Chris Sununu on Tuesday issued Emergency Orders 3, 4, and 5, which will provide relief for Granite Staters affected by COVID-19.
“Tough decisions have been made at the state level, but we will get through this together,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “Seeing what the lack of an appropriate response has resulted in around the world requires that we make some difficult decisions here in New Hampshire to ensure we stem the tide of this worldwide pandemic within our own communities. We are taking steps to help Granite Staters, ensuring they have the support and services for themselves, their families, and their businesses throughout this crisis.”
Emergency Order #3: All providers of electric, gas, water, telephone, cable, VOIP, internet service, and deliverable fuel services will be prohibited from disconnecting or discontinuing service for non-payments for the duration of the State of Emergency.
Emergency Order #4: Landlords will not be allowed to start eviction proceedings for those unable to pay due to their financial situations. To do so would be against the law. All judicial and non-judicial foreclosure actions will also be prohibited during the state of emergency.
Emergency Order #5: Individuals who are unable to work or who have reduced hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic will have immediate access to unemployment benefits. Anyone in the following situations will now be eligible for state unemployment: If your employer temporarily closes due to COVID-19; Individuals that need to self-quarantine or are directed to quarantine at the instruction of a health care provider, employer or government official; Individuals that need to care for a family member that has COVID-19 or is under quarantine; Individuals that need to care for a dependent because of school closures, child care facility closures or other similar types of care programs; Self-employed individuals that are temporarily unable to operate their business because of any of the above listed situations will also be eligible.
Individuals will need to file for each week of temporary unemployment and all of this can and should be done online at www.nhes.nh.gov, or by calling . People can do all of this online from your home internet connection or your phone without ever having to go into a state office. The website to access is www.nhes.nh.gov and the phone number to call is 603-271-7700.
Governor Chris Sununu also officially submitted a request that the Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration provide SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans to small businesses across -New Hampshire.