Hassan names Manchester child as Granite Stater of the Month

Carter Manson. Screenshot/Carter’s Clean Up Crew

WASHINGTON – Manchester resident Carter Manson hopes to become a garbage collector when he gets older. For now, he’ll just have to be satisfied with being U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan’s latest Granite Stater of the Month.

On Tuesday, Hassan (D-NH) recognized the Queen City 5-year-old as July’s recipient of the honor as the inspiration for Carter’s Clean Up Crew, a group that started with his request to go outside and pick up trash around the neighborhood at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since then, the Clean Up Crew has nearly 800 members across the United States and Canada. The group has also received $1,400 in donations from 22 businesses to help provide supplies for cleaning up trash.

Hassan launched the “Granite Stater of the Month” initiative in 2017 to recognize outstanding New Hampshire citizens who go above and beyond to help their neighbors and make their communities stronger. To nominate a New Hampshire citizen to be a “Granite Stater of the Month,” constituents can complete the nomination form here.