MANCHESTER, NH – SEE Science Center is where everyone can discover the excitement of STEM through fun, hands-on experiences. We encourage discovery and innovation through interactive multi-sensory experiences that engage both traditional and non-traditional learners. To be true to our mission of hands-on exploration, SEE will be providing several weeks of in-person summer camps during the 2020 camp year.
“We listened to feedback from parents. Many children have been cooped up for almost four months now and are beginning to display behavioral issues from isolation. It is important to provide a safe outlet for kids to be kids.” Executive Director Shana Hawrylchak, when asked about the decision to continue in-person camps.
All SEE camps adhere with State guidance for the safe operation of day camps. SEE has modified traditional programming to allow for continued operation of small-size camp sessions. While practicing physical distancing, campers will be able to participate in safe social interactions with their peers and engaging hands-on activities.
“We have completely overhauled our camp safety protocol this year. We have new pick-up and drop-off procedures, reduced group sizes, individual activity packs and camper safety masks in place of the normal camp tees. It is important that parents feel safe when entrusting us with their child. We did everything we could to ensure that this will be a safe experience for our campers” Pete Gustafson, Operations Director.
SEE will be hosting three weeks of camp at SEE Science Center 200 Bedford Street, Manchester, NH. Parents can choose from two different camp themes: FIRST® PLACE™ Invention Challenge summer camp and Camp Summer Science.
FIRST® PLACE™ Invention Challenge summer camp invites kids ages 9-14 to think like scientists and engineers. NH Certified Teachers who have experience with LEGO® MINDSTORMS® will guide the campers in small teams to design, modify and program autonomous EV3 robots. Campers will have the opportunity to try out the brand new FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge for the 2020-2021 competition season.
Parents have a choice of two camp sessions for FIRST® PLACE™ Invention Challenge summer camp : August 3-7 or August 10-14 Visit www.see-sciencecenter.org or call the SEE Science Center at 603-669-0400 to register.
Camp Summer Science is a one-week science camp for campers ages 7 to 13 filled with fun science exploration on four topics:
- Science of Magic: Engage in amazing hands-on science “tricks” with unexpected results!
Little, bitty, mini science: Experiment with things that are very small & microscopic. Discover amazing properties of things so tiny you can’t see them with nano science. - Exhibit Design Lab: Design, build, and test an exhibit on your favorite science feat.
- Reverse Engineering: A chance to take something apart – See what makes it tick and tinker with it – Engineering in Reverse.
Parents have a choice of three camp sessions for Camp Summer Science: July 27-31, August 3-7 or August 10-14 Visit www.see-sciencecenter.org or call the SEE Science Center at 603-669-0400 to register.
The SEE Science Center is a hands-on science learning center located at 200 Bedford Street, Manchester, NH 03101. For more information: 603-669-0400 or www.see-sciencecenter.org