Letters: Join me in supporting United Way during $20K challenge match

    New Hampshire is a great State to live and work in, yet many of our fellow citizens sometimes struggle with complex issues. We are fortunate to have innovative solutions to many of these challenges and for Granite United Way to bring organizations and communities together to help solve these challenges.

    I have had the privilege of being a Granite United Way board member had have seen firsthand the work of so many community organizations to improve lives. I value this work, but donations are needed to support and continue this important work.  

    I am inspired by donors who want to help make a difference.  We have a wonderful opportunity to as a donor has made a $20,000 challenge match!  

    Join me this spring and support United Way – your donations will be matched up to $20,000 – to ensure programs that address affordable housing, early childhood initiatives, mental health and substance use disorders and those supporting individuals in recovery are available when they are needed.  

    Text GUWNOW to 41444 – together we are changing lives!


    Nick Toumpas

    Board Member, Granite United Way

    Letters are published in the Ink Link regularly. Submission are welcome for consideration. Send to publisher@manchesterinklink.com, subject line: Letter to the Editor.