MANCHESTER, NH – Under sunny skies – then rainy – then sunny – then rainy – an estimated crowd of 20,000 taco enthusiasts descended on the city for Thursday’s Taco Tour Manchester.
Organized by the Greater Manchester Chamber with a supportive network of local businesses, sponsors and volunteers, the event once again brought out the best in everyone – from restaurants vying for that $1,000 prize for “best taco” (proceeds to be donated to their favorite charity) to musical artists, vendors and people who enjoy wearing hats and collecting swag.

You can vote here for your favorite taco of the day (voting closes at 5 p.m. on May 3).
Mayor Jay Ruais helped to kick things off with the eating of the inaugural taco along with this year’s grand marshal, Elias Kacavas. The kick-off was sponsored by Dave’s Hot Chicken, a new restaurant on South Willow Street.
As usual, parking was a bit of a challenge but in the end there were few complaints heard and lots of good will to be found on the streets of the city.

Photo Gallery 1/Stacy Harrison
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Photo Gallery 2/Jeffrey Hastings
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