Letters: Why wouldn’t all State Reps vote for public safety assessment on hotels?

    O P I N I O N


    To the Editor:

    On Thursday March 14, 2024, at our House Session, ALL Manchester Democrats did a good thing. We all voted against indefinitely postponing HB 1254-Local (as written, this bill would have enabled a municipality to collect a public safety assessment on hotel occupancies for the purpose of public safety associated with the increase in tourism and transient traffic.)

    Unfortunately, the Roll Call vote went 195 YES and 171 NO to indefinitely postpone HB 1254-Local.

    All Manchester Republicans voted to indefinitely postpone HB 1254-Local.

    This is just another reason why Manchester taxes are high.

    This is another reason why we need to ensure we elect Democrats to the House in 2024.

    This bill proposed a $2 per night optional assessment on hotel rooms in the State of NH. Manchester has approximately 19 hotels. At certain times of the year, many Manchester hotels, are completely booked. Imagine what that $2 fee would amount to.

    All of NH’s State Reps had received an email from 10 Mayors throughout New Hampshire urging us to support HB 1254-Local. They spoke about from the Seacoast to the White Mountain to the Connecticut River Valley, is a tourist and vacation destination. It is unfortunate our current Mayor does not support this House Bill.

    We all know Manchester sees its tourist boosts during different times of the year. Taco Tour on Elm Street has become the world’s largest Taco Tour. Last year there were between 20– 25,000 people on Elm Street munching on tacos. Imagine how many had booked a hotel room for an overnight stay.

    This extra money coming into the city would provide much-needed help in offsetting costs for equipment for our Fire Department.

    I recently heard Chief Cashin talk about the need for new, PFAS-free firefighting gear for all fire department members. This $2 per night could have given some relief to our Manchester taxpayers in footing the bill for new firefighting gear. But again HB 1254-Local was indefinitely postponed.

    I do hope if this bill ever does come up again, I hope ALL State Reps from Manchester will vote for this $2/night assessment on a hotel room.

    Have you ever noticed a hotel bill in another city having a “city assessment”? This is all that HB 1254-Local is all about. This $2 fee will only impact visitors to our state. And the money collected stays in that city.

    Why wouldn’t we all support this?

    State Rep. Heidi Hamer

    Hillsborough District 19