Manchester Connects: Raise your hand if you want to build the future

    Manchester Connects participants look over plans during a brainstorming session. File Photo/Carol Robidoux

    MANCHESTER, NH –  Manchester Connects, the grassroots community action group that is committed to a vision of Manchester as an inviting place for people of all ages and backgrounds to live, work, study and play, invites enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fill a wide range of positions within the non-partisan organization.

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    Co-chairs Sarah Jacobs and Harry Malone are seeking eight recruits to serve on the organization’s steering committee, which includes leaders of five specific initiatives that have been proposed by Manchester Connects:

    In addition, the steering committee will need leaders for functions including Communications, Resource Identification, and Legal and Regulatory Issues.

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    “Hundreds of people took part in the Manchester Connects planning process over the past two years, and a lot of thought has gone into how to organize the effort to ensure that it is sustainable, effective, and inclusive of the whole community,” Jacobs said. “More than 3,000 people are following the Manchester Connects Facebook page, so for everyone who expressed their willingness to help put ideas into action, now is the time.”

    “In addition to the those on the steering committee, additional volunteers will be needed to serve on all of these various initiatives,” Malone said, “so there is a role for everyone who wants to join the effort to make the most of Manchester’s location, history, architecture and civic pride.​”

    To learn much more, and to volunteer on-line, go to