Manchester sees fewer opioid overdoses in September

    NASHUA, N.H. – American Medical Response, the ambulance provider for the City of Manchester, has announced that there were 56 opioid overdoses in the city during September, a 9 percent decrease from August.

    The 56 new reported overdoses brings the total to 514 for the year to date. Manchester is currently on track for 691 overdoses for the year, the highest figure since 2018.

    Just under half of the overdoses (48%) came from individuals without any address and 43 percent came from people with Manchester addresses. A total of 82 percent of the overdoses were among men, 75 percent were among people identified as Caucasian and 64 percent had not been involved in an earlier overdose.

    There were eight suspected opioid overdose deaths during the month, with 53 so far during the year.

    AMR spokesperson Chris Stawasz added that all illicit drugs are likely to have some quantity of synthetic Fentanyl, Narcan is available in NH and anyone can seek treatment in the NH Doorway program by calling 2-1-1.