Letters: Manchester, join us in showing your Pride

As we approach June, I send this letter with a renewed Pride in the City of Manchester.

Last year, we as a city and community, flew a Pride flag at City Hall with the City of Manchester for the first time ever. This year on June 14, we will join with many other supporters at 3 p.m. to once again fly the Pride flag at City Hall. We invite you all to join us.

Many of us don’t realize the impact of the little things we do that make a difference in others’ lives, without even knowing. We are asking for more of those acts of compassion and support. We are asking our fellow restaurants, business and community members to show support and solidarity for Pride and Equality during June by flying a Pride or Equality flag. This will also show the world and other NH communities that we are welcoming for all to live as themselves and love whom they choose.

Also, hanging these flags will show our respect for the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and the 10th Anniversary of legalized gay marriage in NH. We ask for all who are comfortable, to display a flag.

If it is easier, you can reach out to us and we will provide one for you.

Robb Curry
Kyle Davis
Madear’s Manchester