Motorist says passenger in white truck pointed gun at him during Queen City Ave. road rage moment

    MANCHESTER, NH – On March 14, 2024, at approximately 9:30 p.m., Manchester Police responded to the area of  Elm Street and Queen City Ave for a report of someone pointing a gun during a road rage incident.

    The caller told police he was traveling south on Elm Street near Hayward Street when at the point where Elm Street merged from two lanes to one, he told police he did not see a white vehicle and nearly hit it. He told officers the other vehicle’s driver began flashing their high beams and started to follow him closely. At a stop sign at Brown and Queen City avenues, the suspect vehicle pulled up alongside the victim’s car. The passenger yelled and swore and pointed a black gun at him. The victim was then able to turn right and get on the interstate. 

    The passenger with the firearm is described as a white male in his mid-20s with a slim build, black hair with a fade, and a dark-colored T-shirt. The driver is also a white male in his mid-20 who is heavy-set.  

    The suspect vehicle was described as an older model, two-door, white Ford Ranger. It possibly had  LED-style aftermarket headlights. 

    Anyone with information about this incident should call Manchester Police at 603-668-8711.