Beyond the headlines, the men and women of the Manchester Police Department respond to requests from local residents around the clock, with incidents the public may often find valuable or interesting going unnoticed.
In an attempt to help shed a light on those incidents and spur a greater discussion on what’s going on in our neighborhoods across the city, here are a few of those incidents that flew under the radar, as obtained from the Manchester Police Department Records Division.
For the Manchester Police Department’s daily logs, which provide the starting point for these reports, click here.
The actual names of individuals and organizations in these stories have not been revealed to protect them from potential harassment, excluding arrests where information is available.
Excluding any information that could reveal the identity of individuals or organizations, incidents that have been inflicted upon victims will be conveyed with as much accuracy as possible in the hopes that greater awareness about these incidents occurring within Manchester can prevent their re-occurrence to another victim.
Anyone accused of a crime is innocent unless proven guilty by a court of law.
Anyone with additional information on these incidents is welcome to share their accounts of what happened by emailing
Reports from the Manchester Police Department Records Division cost Manchester Ink Link a dollar per page. If you would like to help us continue bringing you this column, please contribute to our efforts here.
July 9, 5:31 p.m. – An anonymous man reported that two squatters were living in a building on Manchester Street. While the anonymous man could not provide information that the two people were actually squatters living at the property without permission, he added that they had been provided an eviction notice earlier.
The anonymous man then said that thanks to the pair of individuals, there were needles lying on the ground in the building and was afraid his daughter would step on one of the needles.
The man was informed that the fire department disposes of used needles, but the man did not like this answer and threatened to sue the dispatcher.
The man then called back later for an ambulance after his daughter stepped on one of the needles.
July 9, 7:18 p.m. – A man on Turner Street said that his ex-roommate got his COVID relief check and would not give it back to him, instead using the situation to rehash old arguments that were now ten years old.
Shortly after calling police, the man got his check from the roommate.
July 11, 12:39 a.m. – A man on Hanover Street called police after reporting that her girlfriend’s grandparents locked him inside a house. He added that the grandparents also shoved him and tried to close a door on his hand.
The matter was eventually resolved, but additional information was not provided.
July 15, 9:25 a.m. – A person called police after watching a blue Honda stop in the middle of the road near the intersection of Cartier Street and Coolidge Avenue.
A male occupant and female occupant of the vehicle got out once the vehicle was stopped and began to yell each other. The female pushed the male, but there were no weapons. The couple then got back into the car and sped down Cartier Street.
Additional information was not provided.
July 17, 4:22 a.m. – A man was at business on Hanover Street and reported that two women “smacked into him.”
The women left shortly after the incident and were yelling at the man because “he didn’t know how to do something,” but it was unclear what he did not know what to do.
The man did not feel comfortable hitting the women after they hit him.
Additional information was not provided.
July 17, 8:21 p.m. – A caller reported two sets of arguments happening simultaneously on Bedford Street, one with three men and another with a man and a woman.
The caller believed that all five people lived nearby and one man left and returned with a gun, with the group of three men moving northward after he returned.
Officers quickly arrived on the scene and did not find anyone with a firearm on their possession. Soon afterward, the man and the woman began walking northward as well. No charges were filed.
July 17, 9:04 p.m. – A man went to a fast-food restaurant on Second Street and was not satisfied with the amount of sauce he got with his order.
He then began “feeling” the crew and refused to leave.
Additional information was not provided.