New program to increase NH’s licensed addiction-treatment clinicians 

    counselor training NH
    Credentialing Support Partnership provides one-on-one support including virtual supervision, skill building, mentoring, and coaching to guide them through the licensure process.

    CONCORD, NH — The New Hampshire Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors Association (NHADACA), a local nonprofit, is announcing its newest program dedicated to expanding the number of licensed substance use clinicians throughout New Hampshire. 

    Within their program, the Credentialing Support Partnership, licensure candidates receive one-on-one support including virtual supervision, skill building, mentoring, and coaching to guide them through the licensure process. This program is specifically for candidates seeking licensure as Licensed Alcohol and Drug  Counselors (LADC) and Master Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors (MLADC). The Credentialing Support  Partnership is supported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to help address behavioral healthcare workforce challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes working to help reduce patient wait times and improve quality of care by expanding the behavioral health workforce capacity and access to evidence-based treatment from licensed clinicians.  

    “We are very excited to implement this program throughout New Hampshire,” said Dianne Castrucci,  Executive Director of NHADACA. “For many years, clinicians have found the application process difficult; we  are so glad to be able to ease that burden.” 

    The Credentialing Support Partnership will not only provide individuals access to clinical supervision necessary to meet the 300-hour supervision requirement of the New Hampshire Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Use Professionals, as well as connect licensure candidates with supports and services that improve the likelihood of exam passage, expose them to a diverse array of clinical expertise, and support outstanding training needs for licensure eligibility. The program’s staff will also serve as the statewide subject matter experts on the credentialing process and provide mentoring and consultation to individuals seeking guidance on the application process and eligibility for credentialing (e.g., transcript reviews, resource sharing etc.) for all of the New Hampshire substance use credentials. 

    The NH Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors Association’s mission is to provide quality education,  workforce development, advocacy, ethical standards and leadership for addiction professionals. Contact us with any questions you may have regarding credentialing support at (603) 225-7060 or For more information click here.