NH DHHS accepting applications from Child Care Providers seeking emergency program designation

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    CONCORD, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is now accepting applications from child care providers seeking designation as emergency child care programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. In partnership with the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation (NHCF) and child care stakeholders, DHHS has committed $4 million in federal funding to establish the Emergency Child Care Collaborative, a public-private partnership that will ensure a robust and effective system of emergency child care for New Hampshire parents providing essential services during COVID-19.

    Child care programs will be eligible to apply for incentive payments, including funding to support pay differentials for staff, child care costs for child care professionals, and other operating costs to support an emergency child care system. The Emergency Child Care Collaborative will hold a webinar for providers on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, from 6 – 7 p.m. to answer provider questions.

    “We recognize that child care for essential workers is a vital part of the State’s response to COVID-19, and we are committed to supporting New Hampshire families during this public health crisis,” said DHHS Associate Commissioner Christine Tappan. “This additional funding from the federal Child Care Development Fund will put resources directly into the hands of our child care programs to support operations, staff, and parents.”

    “New Hampshire Charitable Foundation looks forward to partnering with DHHS, DOE and early childhood stakeholders to support the state’s emergency child care system for essential workers,” said Christina Lachance, Director of Early Childhood and Family Initiatives for NHCF. “We know child care is critical to New Hampshire’s COVID 19 response efforts and we are grateful to child care professionals who are committed to serving children and families during this uncertain time.”

    On March 26, Governor Chris Sununu issued Emergency Order #17, which mandated the closure of all non-essential businesses and required Granite Staters to stay at home until May 4, 2020. The order included a list of designated business sectors that provide essential services and support to COVID-19 and the core missions of the State.

    To access the webinar or to submit an application, please visit Child Care Aware of NH. For questions about the program, email ECCP@dhhs.gov. For more information on COVID-19, please visit www.nh.gov/covid19.