NH Fish & Game seek info on snowmobiler who fled after injuring dogs

    Monty sustained more serious injuries after he was run over by a snowmobiler in Enfield.
    Monty sustained more serious injuries after he was run over by a snowmobiler in Enfield.

    MANCHESTER, NH – New Hampshire Fish and Game Conservation Officers are investigating an incident that happened Feb. 15 in Enfield, when a lone snowmobile ran over two dogs on the northern rail trail.

    Both dogs were being walked by their owner at the time. A single operator ran over both dogs and fled the scene without stopping.

    Monty and Jackson recuperating.
    Monty and Jackson recuperating.

    Both dogs required medical aid. “Monty” a 50-pound mix breed canine sustained injuries to his hind end and front leg that required surgery. “Jackson” sustained multiple lacerations but did not require surgery.

    According to Jane Vachon of the New Hampshire Fish & Game Department, there has been no

    resolution to this case as of Feb. 2o.

    If you have any information on this matter please call the New Hampshire Fish & Game Dispatch at (603) 271-3361.

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