NH Primary: Vermin Supreme tosses his boot into the ring (again)

    Vermin Supreme, at it again. Photo/Vermin Supreme on Facebook

    Vermin Supreme is back.

    The self-proclaimed anarchist (he’s now officially a Libertarian) who hates government, loves ponies (“a pony for everyone”) and favors time-travel research, has once again tossed his proverbial hat — er, black boot that he wears on his head — into the presidential ring, making his candidacy for the 2020 election official.

    The announcement, which came June 26 and is posted on YouTube, was made during what appears to be an intimate gathering of Libertarians in Phoenix, AZ.

    For the record, Vermin Love Supreme is his full legal name, and he’s become a staple of the campaign trail during the New Hampshire Primary political tourist season. He’s been on the ballot for the last four election cycles (he received 259 votes in the 2016 NH Primary, coming in fourth after Martin O’Malley).