NH religious Sisters begin walking 65-day pilgrimage to Indiana

    From left, Sister Theresa Marie, Sister Mary Fatima, Mother Mary Maximilian, and Sister Miriam Christe of the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love order of Catholic Sisters. Behind them is the airstream trailer affectionally named “Regina Laudis” which will be their rolling home during the 65-day walking pilgrimage to Indiana. Photo Credit – Dan Splaine Photography

    MANCHESTER, NH – Four New Hampshire Sisters from the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love order in Manchester have begun a walking pilgrimage to attend the National Eucharistic Conference in Indiana.  Mother Mary Maximilian, Sister Theresa Marie, Sister Mary Fatima, and Sister Miriam Christe will depart on foot from New Haven, CT, on Friday.

    They are walking the eastern route known as the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Route, one of four pilgrimage routes of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage. The other routes begin in Texas, California, and Minnesota. The pilgrimage will involve Catholic youth groups from all over the country. The walk leads to the Eucharistic Conference being held from July 17-21 in Indianapolis, the first in 83 years.

    Map of the St. Elizabeth Seton Route the Sisters will walk, which is close to 1,000 miles.

    Despite committing to the nearly 1,000-mile journey relatively late, they rapidly gathered the support they needed for the pilgrimage.  That includes an airstream trailer that sleeps five and a heavy-duty truck with a volunteer driver to accompany them for the 65-day walk.

    Beth Near, a retired naval officer who volunteered for this journey, will drive the support truck and trailer.  Two of the Sisters received truck and trailer driving lessons to fill in if required. The Sisters have dubbed the trailer  “Regina Ludis” and they have named the truck they describe as “a big brown diesel” with “Joseph Terror of Demons.”

    After working in dozens of countries and throughout the US on assignments Dan will happily go local and turn his lens to capture lives and living in the Gate City. You can see his work and learn about his photography services and workshops by going to his website.


    Despite limited physical training, the four are confident about completing the 800-mile route. Sister Miriam Christe once completed 1,200 miles of the Appalachian Trail and the others will rely on the fitness levels attained by the rigors of their daily labor.

    Mother Mary Maximilian commented, “We are doing a little bit of training, probably not as much as we should but sometimes our life is training, running all over the place”

    Their limited physical prowess is more than compensated by their faith and abundant enthusiasm for the walk ahead.

    The sisters will be reporting on their journey via their Facebook page and YouTube Channel.

    Dan Splaine

    DAN SPLAINE – Photographer/Contributor

    Nashua native Dan Splaine is a commercial photographer who creates images for businesses. A strong belief in the value of local independent journalism, his Nashua roots, and his extensive background in photojournalism make contributing to the NASHUA INK LINK a natural choice.

    After working in dozens of countries and throughout the US on assignments Dan will happily go local and turn his lens to capture lives and living in the Gate City. You can see his work and learn about his photography services and workshops by going to his website.