On the agenda: District office move to West; bathroom access; historic preservation

    West High School

    MANCHESTER, NH – Tuesday there are several public meetings of interest. Below are some of the highlighted agenda items to watch. Can’t make the meeting? You can always tune in for meeting coverage, via Manchester Public TV.

    At 5 p.m. the Aldermanic Committee on Administration/Information Systems will meet. On the agenda: Further discussion over the proposal to open bathrooms at the visitor’s center, which are currently closed to the public, and associated costs. This item has been tabled from previous meetings.

    In another agenda item, expect some discussion over changes to the existing veteran tax exemption legislation, which broadens the qualifications from veterans who served during time of war to all veterans who served a minimum of 90 days active duty and have an honorable discharge.

    Item three, from the Heritage Commission, addresses the issue of demolition of properties with historic interest, prompted by the demolition of the Hill-Lassonde House on Hanover Street. The property, which was placed on the NH Preservation Alliance’s Seven to Save in 2014, was eventually demolished in 2016 and is now a parking lot, owned by Elm Grove Companies, used for tenant parking for The Flats. Members of the Heritage Commission, at the time were not apprised of the decision until it was too late. They are proposing legislation that would put in place a process of communication to avert such situations going forward.

    Proposal from the Parks, Recreation & Cemetery Division for opening and maintaining public restrooms at Veteran’s Park.
    (Tabled: 12/19/17; A cost breakdown provided by the Parks Division is attached.)
    Discussion regarding veteran tax exemption legislation.
    (Note: Tabled 6/20/17; report from the Board of Assessors is attached.)
    Communication from the Heritage Commission submitting a proposed historic preservation and protection ordinance.
    (Note: Tabled 12/17/16; City Solicitor to research the City’s authority to enact the proposed ordinance.) 

    There is a also a Building and Sites Committee meeting at 5:30 p.m., on location at West High School, where the public is invited to tour the third floor. That’s where the school board is proposing to relocate district offices. A tour will precede the meeting at 5:15 p.m.

    Then, at 7 p.m., the regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen will take place at City Hall. A presentation by Dr. Vargas is on the agenda. Vargas will join head over to City Hall following the Building and Sites Committee meeting to further discuss with aldermen the plan to move the district offices.

    You can read the full Board of Aldermen agenda here.