Planning Board looks at Chestnut Street office-to-residential conversion project, Beech Street sober living

    City Works is a regular feature designed to provide a preview of upcoming city meetings including, but not limited to, Planning, Zoning and Board of Mayor and Aldermen.  


    Common Man signage outside Tru by Hilton, 135 Spring St.

    The Heritage Commission met on Tuesday, December 28 and arrived at the following decisions.

    • Regulatory review, Amoskeag Millyard Historic District: 135 Spring Street: The Commission continued to have concerns about the requested signage and based on discussion, the applicant will return to the January 25 meeting with updated designs.
    • Regulatory review, Amoskeag Corporation Housing Historic District: 63-67 Stark Street: Approval to replace the egress deck was granted.
    • Regulatory review of a building permit application in the Amoskeag Corporation Housing Historic District: Approval to complete general external maintenance was granted.

    This meeting is available to watch on-demand.


    The Board of Mayor and Aldermen will hold a Special Organizational Meeting on Tuesday, January 4 at 11 a.m. after the inaugural ceremony at The Palace Theatre, 10 a.m.

    The purpose of this organizational meeting will be to approve rules for the coming term, select a chair and receive committee assignments. See the Board packet for the complete Agenda and a copy of the current Rules of Board of Mayor and Alderman, adopted on January 7, 2020. The Board of School Committee will have its organizational meeting immediately following.

    This meeting will be televised on Manchester Public Television, Channel 22.


    The Planning Board will meet on Thursday, January 6 at 6 p.m. The full agenda for this meeting will be posted here and additional project information/descriptions can be found here. This meeting will be televised on Manchester Public Television, Channel 22.


    PDSP2021-005: 1051 S. Willow Street, General Business Zoning District

    The applicant is proposing to install a Chase Bank ATM structure in the parking lot of the Manchester Run Plaza.

    SP2021-032 & CU2021-023: 530 Chestnut St., Central business zoning district

    The applicant is requesting approval to convert existing office space to 12 multi-family units on the first and second floors. The conditional use permit is being sought to allow dwellings on first and second floors with no commercial units on the first floor, as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. (Section 5.10, 6 & 8).

    S2021-013: 168 Bryant Road, Residential Suburban Multifamily Zoning District

    Applicant is requesting a subdivision of Tax Map 832, Lot 29 into two building lots of 20,218 SF (Lot 29B) and 18,315 SF (Lot 29). The lots were granted variances for inadequate lot frontage, lot width, lot area and side/front yard setbacks from the Zoning Board on November 10, 2021 (ZBA2021-131).


    S2021-014: 297 Hazelton St, Residential One Family High-Density Zoning District

    Applicant is requesting a subdivision of Tax Map 711, Lot 7. The proposed subdivision will create two lots of 248,986 SF (Lot 7) and 84,105 SF (Lot 7B).

    SP2021-034: 568 Beech St., Civic-Institutional Zoning District

    Applicant is requesting to convert this property from residential use to congregate housing for sober living purposes. The property will be utilized as a 12-step abstinence-based sober living house for 12 men.


    SP2021-033 & CU2021-024: 1000 Elm St., Central Business Zoning District.

    The applicant is requesting approval to convert existing office space to approximately 155 residential units with a mix of one, two and three-bedroom units. The conditional use permit is being sought to allow dwellings on first floor with no commercial units on the first floor, as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. (Section 5.10, 6 & 8).


    You may have noticed that Planning and Zoning Boards always call out a Zoning District as part of the application process. These districts are used to identify permitted uses within a particular district. Currently, Manchester has 16 base districts and 10 overlay districts.  An overlay district is imposed over a base district and calls out additional provisions to be followed. For more detailed description of each zoning & overlay district, scroll to Article 4 in the Zoning Ordinance.