City Works is a regular feature which endeavors to provide a preview of projects coming before the Planning Board, Zoning Board and Heritage Commission by posting agendas and relevant information to keep the public informed about what is happening.
The Manchester Planning Board will be meeting on Thursday, May 6 at 6 p.m. Remember, meetings are being held on-line to adhere to COVID protocols and can be accessed by tuning into Channel 22 on your television or on-line: PEG Channel 22 | manchestertv
The following items were reviewed during the April 27 Heritage Commission meeting. If you are interested in more detail around these discussions, a recording of this meeting will be available through Manchester Community Television’s on-demand channel.
While these items appeared on the Agenda, the applications have been postponed to a future meeting.
- Section 106 Review – 1505 Elm Street (Masonic Temple)
- Regulatory Review of Sign Permit – 200 Bedford Street (Girls at Work, Inc.)
Historic Signage Project: Commissioner Stan Garrity has been researching the Black history of Manchester and is proposing the creation of a Black History Trail in the downtown area. As signs are placed, a brochure will be available for people to follow the trail and QR codes will be added to signs to allow people to review additional detail. The project will be funded through private donations and grants. The Heritage Commission is supportive of the project and voted to have a draft letter prepared for review and subsequent submission to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen for approval.
Historic Park Subcommittee Report: Next meeting of the subcommittee will be held on May 19 at 8:30 am at the Derryfield Country Club.
VA Managers House: While there has been no recent action surrounding this property, Commissioner Aurore Eaton is continuing to educate groups around Manchester about the manager’s house at the VA medical center and how the building fits into history.
The highlights for this week’s Planning Board Agenda are below.

983 South Mammoth Road, IND General Industrial/Industrial Park District (PSDP2020-007)
(Continued from January 7, 2021)
Applicant submitted an application for a site plan and planned development that proposes to construct an approximately a 17,500-square-foot building to be used as building-contractor offices and storage, an approximately 3,600-square-foot building to be used as self-storage and a parking lot with approximately 108 parking spaces, 29 of which would be used for parking fleet vehicles.
Project Application: Not available at this time.
310 Second Street, B-2 General Business Zoning District (SP2021-007)
(Continued from March 4, 2021, and April 1, 2021)
An application for a site plan review to allow a landscape yard with retail sales, 800 SF building with outside storage and reconfigured site access.
Project Application: 2021-03-04_SP2021-007_310_SECOND_STREET.PDF (
241 & 261 Candia Road, R1-B Residential One Family, High-Density Zoning District (S2020-020)
Applicant has submitted an application to adjust a common lot line annexing 4,245 SF from Lot 52 and 53, with one new buildable lot to be created.
Project Application: 2021-05-06_S2020-020_241_261_CANDIA_ROAD.PDF (
252 Willow Street, RDV Redevelopment Mixed Use Zoning District (CU2020-007, PDSP2020-001)
Application is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a reduction in required onsite parking and a site plan and planned development that proposes a 2,400 SF freestanding distillery, associated with The Factory redevelopment.
Project Application: 2021-05-06_PDSP2021-001_CU2021-007_252_WILLOW_STREET.PDF (
121 Front Street, B-2 General Business Zoning District (CU2021-008, SP2021-012)
An application for a conditional use permit to allow a reduction in the required on-site parking for the use of an office of health care practitioners and an application for a site plan review to change the use from a professional office to an office of health care practitioners and outpatient healthcare.
Project Application: 2021-05-06_SP2021_012_121FRONTSTREET.PDF (
The Board will discuss and consider the following application:
- 121 Front Street, B-2 General Business Zoning District (CU2021-008, SP2021-012)
- Ongoing review of potential changes to the Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations, including a minor change that would reference the storm water regulations of the Environmental Protection Division of DPW, prior to the anticipated public hearing of May 20, 2021.
Due to the emergency orders issued by the Governor and on the guidance of public health officials, there will be no physical location in which to attend the meeting. Meetings are broadcast live on Channel 22 or by going to Manchester Public TV’s website to live stream: PEG Channel 22 | manchestertv. You will be able to offer public comment on the application by calling 603.792.6737 or by emailing You may also attend the meeting through our webinar software by sending an email to the above-referenced address on the day of the meeting and requesting an invitation to participate. The phone line and email will be monitored by staff up to, and during, the public hearing.
June Trisciani is a lifelong resident of Manchester, small business owner and currently serves as vice-chair of the Planning Board.
To learn more about the Planning Board, this is a great place to start: Planning Board (