Police report another credit card skimmer, this time at busy convenience store


    Above: Pictures of the device

    MANCHESTER,  NH – On March 28, 2022, at approximately 2:45 p.m., Manchester Police responded to the 7-11 on Beech Street for a report of a card skimmer located on one of the credit card terminals. This is the second such discovery in the past week.

    An employee told police that recently customers had been complaining about the buttons on a terminal inside the store. The manager checked all the machines and found a credit card skimmer on top of one of the terminals. A skimmer is used to steal credit card numbers and the one located at 7-11 looked very similar to their real ones..

    There is no information about who may have placed this skimmer on the terminal or how long it had been there. Anyone who may have gone into the 7-11 on Beech St recently and used a credit/debit card should monitor their account closely. If you see any suspicious activity, call your financial institution and Manchester PD at 603-668-8711.

    Police discovered a skimmer at a checkout station at Walmart last week.